Class BlocksBean

    • Constructor Detail

      • BlocksBean

        public BlocksBean​(TransactionBox blockHashTbox)
        create the entry for a real block
        blockHashTbox -
      • BlocksBean

        public BlocksBean​(TransactionBox blockHashTbox,
                          String idString)
        Create a fill entry for the missing slots that precede the current real block. All these blocks will point to the next valid block. Epoch, Slot, BlockHash and Path correspond to those of the next real block. The identification string is that of the skipped block.
        blockHashTbox - block hash of the next valid block
        idString - identification of the current missed slot
    • Method Detail

      • isRealBlock

        public boolean isRealBlock()
        true if the current block is a real block
      • getBlockHash

        public String getBlockHash()
      • getBlockPath

        public String getBlockPath()
      • getEpoch

        public int getEpoch()
      • getSlot

        public int getSlot()
      • getIdString

        public String getIdString()
      • getHexHashIdString

        public String getHexHashIdString()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object